* GrandReincarnationOfficer starts the rp @.@ *** nezu is now known as Eva` * Sahir is napping on the floor. * Eva` is sleeping on the floor, sprawled out and tangled in a warm quilt, snoring * Theodosia is sitting under a window, brushing her hair boredly.. * ^Bani^ continues to lean against the wall, still tied up, but not asleep *to himself* I can't afford to sleep with this group around * shras is.. sleeping on a rug curled up in a sunbeam ^.^ * ^Mill^ sleeps next to Bani, 'keeping watch' so he doesn't escape. -.-zzz * Dika sleeping in a corner * ^Bani^ glances over at Mill and grumbles to himself ((why isn't anyone sleeping in the beds? ;.;)) (i'm not big an scary no more =`[ ) (Cause we're all normal. Only freaks use beds. ^^) * Madison^ is sleeping in a BED with nice comfy SHEETS and a nice comfy PILLOW <^Mill^> ((*points at Madison* FREAK!)) (See? What'd I tlel ya;?) ((yay for chris! ^^)) *watching mill intently for awhile, looking quite broody* <^Mill^> -.-zzz .oO(Someone's looking at me and I don't like it. ÂÂ) * Theodosia watches Morgan watch Mill... * ^Mill^ snorts and blinks awake, sitting up and looking around. Oh, ohayo minna! ^_^ * ^Bani^ starts when Mill sits up o.o <^Mill^> Sleep well, Bani-san? ^^ *patpats* * Sahir blinks open one eye, "Ne'? What's up?" o.- <^Bani^> ÂÂ * shras snores * ^Mill^ smiles cutely and stands up, stretching. Hrm, what's for breakfast... *snap* Porkchops? No... *snap* Pizza? Maybe if it were cold... *snap* Ah! Brown sugar with a little oatmeal on top. ^_^ *sitting on the ground tieing her hair wiff a red ribbon* (i don't remember a jinta?) <^Mill^> ((Morgan's partner in crime. ^_^)) * Sahir blinks, "Err.. Mill-san. Shouldn't that be oatmeal with a bit of Brown Sugar on top..?" ^^; <^Mill^> Why? o.o *blinkblinks* * Eva` is still snoring on the floor :sits up and rubs his eyes and then picks out yellow eye crustys o.o *snickers at Mill* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz * Sahir sweatdrops, "Nevermind..." *under his breath* "Freak.." <^Mill^> Thank you! ^_^ *hands Sahir the plate of porkchops* Here's breakfast. ^-^ *gets up and taps mill's shoulder* * ^Bani^ attempts to move his arms while everyone else goes about doing whatever, trying to untie himself * ^Mill^ blinks at Morgan. Hai? *** Selebii (michi@pppmt01-36.eisa.net.au) has joined channel #mysticeyes * Sahir eyes Mill, "That's not funny..." <^Mill^> ((Michi-chan! *glomp* ^_^)) (Michi! ^^ ::Glomp!::) "err...do you have a device on you, mill?" ((ODs on Glomp)) <^Mill^> A wha? o.O? * Sahir hands the Porkchops back to Mill and walks over to a window... "never mind" *sigh* "could you snap me up a baseball bat then?" :Walks up to the table "whats for breakfast?" * ^Mill^ blinks at Morgan a second time, nibbling on a porkchop. Oh, sure. ^_^ *snap* *baseball bat lands on Morgan's head* Sorry, my hands're full. ^^; *** Mode change "+v Selebii" on #MysticEyes by Dika *acks and falls over with a large bump on his head* <^Mill^> Gomen, Morgan-san. ^^;; *patpats, then goes back to her porkchops* * Sahir opens the window, and a bird lands on the sill dropping the apple it was carrying next to it on the sill. * ^Bani^ wiggles around a bit to change his position so that he's facing the group instead of away *gets up and drags mill into the empty kitchen, shutting the door behind them* smiles and takes the apple, "Thanks." He smiles to the bird and takes a bite out of the apple wandering over to Morgan and Mill. ((lol)) * ^Mill^ gets dragged. o.O; * shras walks over to Bani and sits in front of him looking him over "Mill, do you know who seraya is?" <^Mill^> Who? o.o? *her expression wavers slightly at the name, though* * Sahir peeks in thru the kitchen door.. o.o? * ^Bani^ glares at Shras what? * shras raises an eyebrow "why are you tied up" o.O "come on Mill, she's a future version of you. you remember, don't you?" <^Bani^> because if I'm not, I'm outta here, and these people know it oh.. <^Mill^> I don't... *twitches slightly* ... know...? * shras looks at the ground then stand up and walk out the door. *watches the rest of the group* "you remember Mill...come on..." * Sahir blinks, something catching in his head at the mention of 'Future Versions'... * Sahir shakes it off and continues spying. * shras lays in the cold dews grass and takes a nap *shakes her slightly* "you remember being seraya, don't you...." <^Mill^> S.. Ser.. aya..? *winces in pain, holding her head* I.. I don't know, who... *coughs aloud looking at Sahir* "you had a device that let you contact the GRO...you remember, Mill!" <^Mill^> Sera... I.. I remember... *seems pained as her real personality fights the mind control* * Sahir ignores Jinta.. * Theodosia blinks and eyes Sahir, "What're you doing, nature-boy?" * ^Bani^ sighs, wanting to at least stretch his arms or something >.< * Sahir glances back over his shoulder at Theo, "Shaddup you prissy ditz. Mind your own business.." *laughs quietly* * Theodosia glares at Sahir, "What'd you just call me you little tree-hugging freak?!" <^Mill^> ((This could get messy...)) *shakes mill a bit more* "come on..." * Sahir once again glances over his shoulder at Theo, "I called you a prissy ditz! You're a snob too, come to think of it.." * ^Bani^ glances up at Theo and Sahir both a ya stop fighting, it's giving me a headache * ^Mill^ whimpers. M.. Morgan-san... it hurts, make it stop...! Aaaahhh! *sez nothing and keeps watch of the two* "it's ok, Mill..." *hugs her* "we just need seraya's device..." * Dika wakes up, stretching and meows loudly * Theodosia bites her lip, seeming like she's about to cry... You're such a jerk sometimes Sahir.. ;.; o and Sahir both a ya stop fighting, it's giving me a headache {-23:19-} * ^Mill^ whimpers. M.. Morgan-san... it hurts, make it stop...! Aaaahhh! * ^Mill^ whimpers again and weakens into Morgan's hug. I.. I have it... hang on... (ARGH!) (::Smacks the c/p) * Eva` snores loudly, rolling over and getting more tangled in teh quilt * ^Mill^ chants hesitantly like she doesn't remember the words, Seraya's dimensional pocket opening and spitting out her device. * Sahir makes a gesture by rubbing his pointer finger against the back of his thumb, "See this? It's the world's smallest violin, playing the world's saddest song just for you.." He rolls his eyes and goes back to watching.. * Theodosia scowls and looks around for something to throw at Sahir... <^Mill^> ((Throw Bani! ^_^)) "good girl!" *grabs the device and starts pressing in buttons, trying to figure out just how it works* (OK! ^^) <^Bani^> ((ÂÂ hey, hey, no misusing kawaii tied up bishonen)) * Theodosia spots Bani and grins.. * ^Mill^ mumbles softly. Wha.. what's happened to me, Morgan-san...? *pets her hair* "you're reverting back and forth..." * ^Bani^ glares at Theo ÂÂ Do you like to fly, Bani? ^^ * ^Mill^ trembles and nods, biting her lip. It... it's like there're two people.. me, and Mill... *nods* <^Bani^> if I did, I'd have wings, wouldn't I? ÂÂ <^Mill^> Are the others.. like Mill? *nods* * Theodosia frowns, "Bah.. you're no fun." * ^Mill^ sighs, rubbing her temples weakly. It was.. so strange... for a while there, I.. I just didn't exist... *** Signoff: Dika (Read error: Connection reset by peer) "don't try to get any of the others back though...they're not as strong as seraya or mill." ((gee, thanks :P)) ((you're welcome! ^^)) <^Mill^> Alright... *hisses quietly in pain, eyes closed tightly* *growls at the device* <^Mill^> What's wrong..? "it won't work...do you know why all the agents are here?" * Theodosia sighs and closes her eyes.. My head hurts.. <^Mill^> It was.. because there were never any beings from.. this planet on Death, but there reports of people here... "so?" * ^Mill^ shakes her head. We were sent to investigate... <^Mill^> ((Complete lack of recall, I hope I got it right. @.x)) *** Dika (MWAHAHAHAH@AC8BCE82.ipt.aol.com) has joined channel #mysticeyes (You did. ::Nod::) "oh....alright then, we've got to do something..." <^Mill^> ((WB, Michelly-chan. ^^)) ((thankies ^-^)) *** Mode change "+o Dika" on #MysticEyes by ChanServ * shras listens to the group having came back in unoticed a while ago <^Mill^> What can we do, Morgan-san..? "you remember those council members, by any chance?" <^Mill^> A little, hai.. * ^Mill^ winces. It's tough.. holding Mill down, Morgan-san... * Theodosia jolts awake, screaming shrilly in terror.. <^Mill^> ((*blinks as a CSer sits down on CMill and ^-^v's* o_O)) "you can let her back if you want, seraya...what was that?" *blinks and stands up* * ^Mill^ nods, whimpering quietly as the dominant personality takes control back. Ooohh, I have such a headache.. @.x away ...Bahaba!(18:46:30) * ^Bani^ glares over at Theo ÂÂ now she's screaming ((brb, gotta eat something :P)) *walks over to theo* "what's wrong?" * ^Mill^ climbs uncertainly to her feet and blinks, following Morgan. o_o? Ah.. A dream.. but this wasn't normal.. It wasn't me in the dream... <^Mill^> Was it me, Theo-chan? ^-^ *smiles weakly, still trying to fight that awful headache* No.. her hair was a blue-violet.. she was a little girl... I was watching thru her eyes and from a distance at the same time.. *** Selebii is now known as Kirrie There was another girl.. a bit taller, with blonde hair.. I couldn't exactly make out what was being said.. The words Magic.. and sealed... * ^Mill^ blinks, listening. o_o I heard those, and then I felt this overwhelming wave of terror and despair.. and I woke up... <^Mill^> {2Seraya} *quietly in the back of Mill's mind* Shya-chan... * Theodosia bites her lip... "I-I have no Idea waht the dream was... or why I was so scared.." ;.; * ^Mill^ erks and holds her head, moaning in pain. Oooowww... * ^Bani^ quietly watches Theo and Mill "erp..." And my headache is getting worse now.. ;.; <^Mill^> Hah, mine's getting better..! ^^; .. ow... *** Signoff: Kirrie (Ping timeout) * Theodosia sits, holding her knees to her chest.. "You're not funny, Mill..." <^Mill^> No, just a freak, Sahir says so. ^_^ Sahir's a jackass. Hey! Take that back! * ^Mill^ nodnodnods then blinks at Sahir. o_o ^_^;;; zzzzzzzz * ^Bani^ heaves a sigh and looks back down to his bound arms * Theodosia growls in frustration, "Ergh..! Why won't this damn headache go away..?!" * ^Mill^ winces in sympathy. Oi, Morgan-san.. how long are we going to stay cooped up here? "until tomarrow, the council won't meet until then." <^Bani^> so I have to be tied up for even longer? <^Mill^> Ah, right. ^_^ ... ow... I'm gonna try to sleep off his hangover or whatever. @.@ *flops onto the bed beside Madison and goes to sleep, using him as a teddy bear* -.-zzz <^Bani^> 'che ((o_o;;)) <^Mill^> ((*snuggles Madison* Teddy! ^-^)) * Theodosia frowns and tries to go back to sleep.. "Mill has a good idea.. mebbe sleep will get rid of this headache.." ((alright we're gonna end, izzat ok wiff evvyone?)) (I guess. :\) <^Bani^> ((sure, tho I still wanna be untied soon ÂÂ *glares at the sleeping Mill*)) <^Mill^> ((-.-zzz...comfy teddy Madison...zzz)) ((--;;;)) * GrandReincarnationOfficer ends everything