Mystic Eyes is an RPG that's a little bit of anime, a little bit of fantasy, and a little bit of sci-fi.
The storyline behind the game is not easy to tell straightforward, so I'll just blabber for awhile about
it and if you have any questions don't hesitate to email me at :
On with the blabber!
When a being dies, no matter what world or what species, they are sent to a place known as Death, where they are met by the Grand Reincarnation Officer, or GRO. They undergo a series of questions that will help the GRO determine just where and what this being should be reincarnated as. Dying isn't quite so permanent as you may have thought. Different worlds have varying levels of "awareness" of the reincarnation process. While our Earth's awareness overall is very low, others are very high. The levels of awareness affect their questioning and may overall affect the outcome of any one being's reincarnation. Dying is never permanent, unless a being chooses to end it's own life willingly, or in other words, commits suicide. If any being commits suicide, they recieve an appropriate punishment of permanent death, where all conscience and subconscience is oblitereated and the original creation of life that has been reincarnated for so long comes to an end. Conflict is always a necessary evil, and in Mystic Eyes our evil persons have discovered a way to bypass this suicide punishment so that at their death they can choose to be whatever they wish wherever they wish whenever they wish, whether they killed themselves or were killed by others. Our ever so loveable GRO has disovered this and in his questioning he can weed out the scarce few who can be profitably used as agents of Death (aka the good guys ^.-). Each agent is given a small device that allows them to travel to different worlds and dates, and fit in with the local residents so that they can keep up with the evil doers. Though the GRO is absolutely against time travel or reincarnating beings to different times, time travel is necessary to keep up with the enemy and must be used with utmost care. So, you're probably confused out of your mind. Let me make it easy for you! If your character is good, you'll be chasing after bad guys through multiple worlds and time eras to apprehend them, but remember, killing them will do diddly squat! ^^ You have to capture them and return them to the GRO in Death. If you're evil, you'll be living out any evil dreams you have like ruling an entire world or killing everyone off in it. Having access to technology that will allow you to choose anything you want makes this an easy task. Neutral? You can be, but it probably won't be quite as entertaining as good or bad. But if you're neutral, you can time/world travel if you'd like by stealing one of the good people's little devices or buying one off a black market or some story like that, or you can be an occupant of a world regularly visited. I want to make sure every member has an active part in this game. If you know you can't make it very often but still want to come when you can, let me know so I can talk to you about how to still keep you active. These days, we've done a few sagas, and many of us are so familiar with our characters that everything comes naturally. Evil and good are no longer so clearly defined. Something's going on with the GRO and with Death. Maybe it wasn't such a pure place after all. Yeyj, the Agents' leader, has been playing both sides, as many Agents have witnessed time and time again, yet somehow they still have to trust her. She is constantly escaping the prisons she has been placed into for betraying the GRO. Have you really been on the side you thought you were? Home |