Welp, there's lots of stuff to know. First off, IRC faces. It may get confusing, but you'll
get the hang of it. Anime faces are all created the same --> ^^ = happy, ^.- = wink, *.* = starry eyed/lovestruck/etc.,
o.o = slightly wide eyed....you get the idea ^^ the rest are pretty easy. Another thing is some members use a little japanese,
but not much ^^;; (the ;'s are sweatdrops...if you don't know about anime you'd get confused so dun bother ^^;;;;). It's
all simple and you can pick it up pretty fast, like we use hai which is yes, and arigato which is thanks, and gomen which is
sorry....I don't think we use much else!
What else to know? The story of the rpg, and the other characters in the rpg. Please know this before you email me about your char idea. Also, quite importantly - rules. No godmoding or overpowerful characters unless they're vital to the plot AND have been okayed by me. If anything important is to happen to your char, like a switch of alignment (good to evil, evil to good, etc) or death or anything, please tell me so we can work it into the plot! ^^ Please don't curse much, excessive cursing bugs me but when I'm really pissed I do it too, so I do understand a little. Also, this isn't a hentai rpg so please keep the content to a PG-13 level. Also, to keep my own fragile sanity, I ask that there be no people-bashing towards any of the other members, and please keep any and all arguments to a minimum. This goes mainly for when we're just hangin' out in the chan but also for OOC talk. All OOC talk during the game should be written in ((parenthesis)) like that so it's easier to pick it out of the important in character stuff. Also, I don't have the topic lock on the chan because it's fun to see what people put up there. Abusing this privelege will result in me returning the chan to topic lock. Times are also a good thing to know for the rpg - we roleplay at night on the weekends. Generally it's very late at night, since we wait for everyone to be there and get home from working or whatever. We meet in #MysticEyes on DALnet in IRC. If you have no idea what this is, go to the IRC help page. The worlds created so far are also important to know. Here's a list of most of the ones so far (feel free to make up a new one, there's infinate possibilites!) ::
Earth :: duh. Barely aware, if at all.
I can't stress enough how important it is that everyone reads all the stuff on this page. It's not much, I just want everyone to have a shimmer of idea as to what's going on. Thanks! As for the ops of the channel, there's me :: nezu or Hermione, ryan :: Riain, and ser :: Seraya. We do use a few other nicks however so just ask who everyone is if you want! Home |